Providing smaller Canterbury communities access to a transport service
Community Vehicle Trusts provide a transport option for residents in areas outside of the urban public transport network. Each trust varies in the services it provides and they all rely on many amazing volunteers to keep them running.
Find your local service for trip information and bookings
Darfield (Malvern)
North Canterbury
Pleasant Point
Waitaki Valley
Hurunui community vehicle more than a taxi service
Getting to health appointments across the Hurunui and North Canterbury is now easier for Cheviot residents, with the help of a service that connects them to a dedicated team of volunteer drivers.
Community Vehicle Volunteers plan for the year ahead
A new trial community transport service, the Mid Canterbury Connector, will launch on Tuesday 12 January 2021.
Trial service coming for Ashburton
A new trial community transport service, the Mid Canterbury Connector, will launch on Tuesday 12 January 2021.